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15 Days
This 15-day tour adventure will take you all across the Canadian Northwest and parts of Southeast Alaska. From high alpine peaks to the boreal tundra and the Arctic Ocean, this incomparable journey crosses borders and thousands of kilometers along the Alaska Highway, Haines Road, Klondike Highway, Campbell Highway, Dempster Highway, and Canada’s newest highway, the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway (ITH). Along the way, you will get the chance to be immersed in the local history, from First Nations and Inuit people of the North to the construction of the Alaska Highway and the biggest Gold Rush of all time. Furthermore, you will constantly be in the presence of the unimaginable natural beauty of the Western and Northern Canadian landscape and wildlife. From riding a ferry on the waves of the Pacific Ocean, all the way to dipping your feet into the Arctic Ocean, your journey to the Arctic Circle will create unforgettable memories that you will forever cherish.
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