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21 OCT 2018

What Reddit Says About Travel to Japan

by: Via Hero | posted in: ViaHero

October 21, 2018

It's no secret that Japan is home to a lot of "oddities" for those not familiar with the culture. Read on for the best of Japan's most culture-shocking elements, as gleaned from Reddit. Afterward, feel free to message us with any questions you have about all things Japan.

Let's just hit the ground running on this one...

1. You can get dumplings the size of a child (5.6 pounds)

2. KitKats are popular in Japan because the popular Japanese phrase "Kittokatsu," which means "You will surely win," sounds like KitKat, and parents started giving them to kids as an encouragement treat 

3. Park entrances have automatic doors

4. Parents give their kids to sumo wrestlers to make them cry? 

5. It is encouraged to nap while at work 

6. Toilets are fancy... to say the least. 

7. Speaking of toilets, there is an entire museum devoted to them.

Source: Viralnova

8. Train rides are never dull 

Source: Imgur

9. You can order horse sashimi

Source: RocketNews24

10. Vending machines for everything... including bras 

Source: Kotaku

11. Wendys serves burgers with foie gras and truffles

Source: LA Times

12. Reality TV doesn't look like "The Bachelor"  

13. Samara from "the Ring" plays baseball, apparently